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VFR Class E

Here some tips for a Class E or VFR Airspace

By Heinz Mateo

The general limitation for Class E airspace is 18,000 feet. It is important to remember our Class E begins at 600 feet and when we are on air keep in mind our transition area begins at either 700 or 1,200 feet AGL.

These points are very important, our surface area requires some basic weather reporting and communications with ATC.

“Your visibility must be 3 SM when you are less than 10,000 feet, Cloud Separation 500 below, 1,000 above and 2,000 horizontally.
If you are above 10,000 feet you need 5 SM, your Cloud Separation  1,000 below, 1,000 above and 1 mile horizontally.”

Remember to operate your aircraft safely, it is important to know an aircraft may not operate beneath the ceiling of less than 1,000 feet under VFR.

There are some exceptions for special VFR, you could find it in FAR 91.157.

In Special VFR clearance conditions it is treated most like an IFR clearance, the main reason for this is the cloud separation.

If your are flying in conditions with a celing below 1,000 feet and your visibility does not go beyond 3 miles you could be in trouble, keep that in mind.

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